Psychology of Vision

Psychology of Vision

Psychology of Vision is both a healing model and a global community of like-minded people teaching and practicing that model. Psychology of Vision is a path of the heart that has helped tens of thousands of people around the world through seminars, one-to-one coaching and its many products and publications. It has helped people improve their lives, their relationships and their health by giving them an understanding of themselves and others, and giving them insights into the events in their lives. It is a model that teaches emotional intelligence through a remembering of Self.

Psychology of Vision is a highly accessible visionary healing model developed by Chuck and Lency Spezzano. It is a marriage of psychology and spirituality that draws inspiration from A Course in Miracles. It is a road map to your mind and soul that will ultimately lead you “home” to your true self and your purpose. It is being taught worldwide in 13 countries, including First Nations communities, and has assisted people in leading happier, more fulfilled lives.

Naramata Lifestyle Wellness Centre uses Psychology of Vision principles and are dedicated to individuals healing the blocks to recognizing their giftedness and experiencing that we are all One.