Art of Living

Art of Living

Breath of Life

The Art of Living is a multi-faceted, not-for-profit educational and humanitarian NGO with a presence in over 140 countries. We are engaged in diverse initiatives aimed at uplifting humanity by bringing peace at the level of the individual, society, nation and the world as a whole. Sri Sri’s vision of creating a stress-free, violence-free society has given rise to numerous initiatives of the Art of Living around the world. The success of these initiatives is its deep-rooted foundation in Spirituality

The Art of Living conducts several self-development and stress elimination programs that empower people to face life’s challenges gracefully. These workshops equip the participants with skills and techniques that enhance the quality of their lives.

More than 100 million people worldwide have undergone the Art of Living workshops. The stories of transformation are mind-boggling, varying from physical and mental well-being to improvement in social relationships to positive changes in innate qualities.