As we know and experience on a daily basis a word called “stress” We know this feeling perhaps in everyday part of our busy lives, and it can take its toll on our mental and physical health. Stress, over time, can cause our bodies to tire and our spirits to lag. Trauma can deliver a physical as well as a mental shock to the body. All of these things can lower quality of life and create more stress even on the physical. Some individuals can even receive a diagnosis, which can cause more “stress”. Biofeedback Lifestyle, is located in Naramata, BC and we are here to offer some suggestions to mitigate the damage done by stress and trauma, also known as PTSD.

Biofeedback is a relatively new therapeutic option that helps the body to gauge the impact of stress or trauma on it. The body has a positive or negative reaction to almost everything that happens to it, and it reacts to different stimuli and events in different ways. When the body is stressed, you may experience physical symptoms like diarrhea, stomach aches, increased urination, or pain. You may also experience mental symptoms like anxiety, depression, or inability to focus. Dr Charlene Reeves, uses Biofeedback technology that assists and empowers you to understand what your body is telling you and to pinpoint the stressors in your life so that you can heal.

Determining where and when the trauma started is the first part of therapy. Then, you can determine how to deal with the feelings and heal, or reduce the stress in your life through diet, exercise, or lifestyle changes. Tracking how your body feels is important to gauge your overall health, but it can also give you an idea of how your mental health is doing, too. Many mental illnesses have physical symptoms. Listening to your body is important.

Reducing stress is not only good for our brains, it’s also good for our hearts, too. People who are less stressed are at a lower risk for a heart attack or stroke. They’re also less likely to turn to unhealthy food as a comfort to make them feel better. Naramata Lifestyle Wellness Centre can help you reduce stress using biofeedback so that your overall health can remain good.

For more information about Dr Charlene Reeves, Biofeedback Lifestyle and Naramata Lifestyle Wellness Centre, please visit their website. You can also call the clinic at 250-276-0787 or 604-209-0597 or email: Please do not hesitate to call or email for information on any natural healing topic or how to understand more about Fullscript.

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